Hi, I'm Siyuan. ?
I'm Siyuan. I'm an experience designer and researcher.
I'm a recent graduate from UC San Diego with a BS in Cognitive Science with specialization in Human-Computer Interaction and a minor in Computer Science. During my three-year freelance and work/internship experience, I have embarked on projects ranging from mobile user experience design, to research on usability for seniors, to product design from scratch, to curriculum design for development, to civic design for public safety, to healthy lifestyle branding, to visual interface design. I'm interested in how to make experience compatible with human nature and create optimal user experiences.
In parallel with my professional work, I experiment with graphics, illustrations, and handcrafts to explore design and experience from miscellaneous dimensions. I also record songs and A Cappella and indulge my gym mania whenever I can.
I have worked at Qualcomm Institute, Enroll Hero, Sino-Ocean Group, Quantum Music, Crania Technology.